A copywriter using the power of creativity and psychology to give your business an edge.

Taming the copy-monster for small to medium size businesses in Cheshire and beyond!

The Copy Monster comes in many fearsome forms. Here are just a few:

The-homepage-that-leaves-customers cold-and-confused monster

The-landing-page-that-fails-to-persuade-and-leads-to-lost-sales monster

The-marketing-emails-that-go-straight-to-“trash” monster

Exposure to the Copy Monster causes symptoms such as:

  • A loss of time that would have been better spent doing what you’re really good at
  • A deep feeling of frustration
  • A profound feeling that you’re missing out on higher levels of engagement and sales

But never fear! As a copywriter fully trained in the use of powerful copywriting weapons such as creativity, storytelling, and a host of psychological copywriting “tricks”, I can make all that go away. Get in touch to:

Copy with personality

In the world of AI, the best way for you to make your marketing feel unique is to show a bit of personality, entertain your audience, maybe employ some nifty storytelling techniques, and generally allow the humans behind your business to shine through. I can help you do just that.

Emails with the power to grow your business

Imagine sending emails that are just so darned entertaining that potential customers are enthusiastic to open, read and engage with them. It’s a powerful opportunity to create your own captive audience of warm leads that you can (softly) sell to on a regular basis. Sound good? Let’s work together to harness the power of emails.

Sales pages that convert

A well crafted sales page for your product or service can take a potential customer from “I’m interested” to “I’m buying right away because I need this amazing thing in my life!” Work with me to craft sales pages that convert and boost your sales.

Website pages that make you look epic!

Your website needs to do so many different things, it needs to:

  • immediately show who you are and what your business is about
  • make visitors feel positively towards your business
  • nudge visitors towards signing up to your email list, or towards buying your products
  • work from an SEO perspective

But don’t worry. I’m here to help!

Blog posts that people love to read

Having a strong set of blog posts on your website can set you up as an expert in your field, introduce new customers to your business, keep customers engaged, and boost your Google search rankings. Let’s work together to ensure that your blog posts stand out from the crowd.

The Copy Monster CAN be tamed!